Wednesday afternoon activities
Wednesday afternoon will be dedicated to free time activities within and near surroundings of the castle. There are two options to choose from and we ask you to express your preference in the registration form.
brewery & MUSEUM TOUR
The Kostelec nad Černými Lesy brwery offers a tour through the brewery and National Museum of Brewery
More information about the tour can be find on the website.
TOUR through castle arboretum
The castle offers a commented tour through its picteresque arboretum. The collection of tree species in the Kostelec arboretum focuses on forestry significant taxa of the temperate and boreal zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Over the years, the range of economic trees has been enriched with shrubs and ornamental taxa. The tree species are arranged in the form of a nature park according to their ecological requirements.
More information about the arboretum can be found here.